Final Project - Entry Three: Building Exterior

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Initially, my idea is to reuse spare plastic infra-boards I have in my house. The infra-boards worked pretty well, it is structured and strong enough to hold my Arduino components in place. However, I did only build the top-half part of the robot as I was testing how the material hold up against the phone weight. 

Here is a picture of the top-half construction using infra-boards:

As seen from the picture above, the infra-board is sufficient enough to hold all the project variables. However, after further analysis and investigation, this is the conclusion I collected: 

Although the pros and cons are similar in amount, each individual cons are crucial in the success of this project. Hence, I decided to change the material used for this project. 

The second material option on my list is cardboard. The decision to use cardboard as my primary material are due to these factors:
1. It is biodegradable
2. In a sense it's malleable, or at lease enough flexibility for the creation of this project.
3. It is a "good insulator" 
4. Thermal changes doe not cause it to expand or compress, making it accountable. 

For these reasons is why I choose to use cardboard instead of intra-boards.





Conflict and Design Modification/Solution

As mention from the second entry, I want to build a system that allows the robot to press the camera button and take the user's picture. I plan on making a mechanical arm (based on a servo motor) that the stylus would attach on, and would rotate a specific angle when user is at a specific position (would be sensed by the ultrasonic sensor).

However, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, most of the stores, online and in-person does not deliver nor have ready stock of the parts due to import restrictions. Hence, I decided to carry on with the original plan, without the "camera press" system. I do however, will be revisiting this idea in the near future as soon as I can ahold of the required parts. 

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